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Let our voices be heard


John Cashon is a historian from Kentucky and is a recent addition to the Coffee Party 2.0 pilot project Citizens for Media Reform.  He believes that we need to do whatever we can to get the nation to learn to speak together again with civility while simutaneously holding politicians and the news media accountable for the rhetoric in today's discourse.  His motto for his own personal blog is: Look beyond the rhetoric and uncover the truth. 

By John Cashon

We are at the beginning of a revolution. It is not one waged with weapons and warfare, but one based on each American’s struggle for his constitutional right to a better life, with liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

On October 29th, 2011, our nation’s stories will echo on the Capitol’s steps from the very people that long for the country’s return to a government that works for the people. Our nation’s history has taught us that anything is possible for our people if we stand up and fight for a country that includes everyone, and not just those that can purchase the agenda.

Where does political debate end and common sense agreement begin? Many cannot understand why the opposing political parties have decided that they can never agree on anything again. This is silly and foolish. This is not a sporting event that one side always has to win. How about policies where the majority of Americans win?

The truth is that most Americans are kindhearted, and it is comforting knowing this when all we see today in the news is antagonistic attitudes and cold-hearted values. Most people are just like you and me, and that is a good thing to know and remember.

Would we prefer an altruistic, Pay it Forward political culture based on an unselfish concern for the welfare of others, or one based on objectivism and individualistic values idealized by Ayn Rand and its views on laissez-faire capitalism? Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain said it well, “If you’re not rich, blame yourself.” Many would reply angrily that if the system weren’t rigged and if the jobs stayed in the United States, we would all have the same opportunities for gaining wealth.

Right now, many Republicans, and some Democrats, are choosing to disagree with anything the President does or says. We have many of them on video telling their constituents about the lack of jobs and the policies they want to tackle it, but when President Obama offers a jobs bill including many of the same ideas the Republicans had, they suddenly choose a policy that is the opposite position. They give little concern about the previous video showing this inconsistency.

As an analogy, one could be watching the news and listen to a politician saying he is holding an orange even though it is actually an apple. The newscaster interjects and tells the politician that he is indeed holding an apple and the response would be, “no, this is an orange even though it looks like an apple.” The simple truth is they know whatever they say, their base will believe them no matter what, and it doesn’t matter anymore if it is caught on camera. Independent thought among the base does not exist as long as they unreservedly believe their party line. We must speak out to open their eyes to what is going on in our country.

The Occupy Wall Street movement that has spread all over the world proves there is a vast group that understands the middle-class and the poor are being left out, forgotten by the politicians and their pay-to-play political culture.

On the steps of the Capitol, independent thought will be heard again. Republicans, Independents and Democrats are all hurting with the state of the economy, and policies need to be created to include all. Our government is broken and needs to be fixed.


Troy Morton from Largo, MD wants an end to the fighting between the parties:

But WE, left and right, will not win if we don't quit fighting the other side. The RIGHT was just in trying to protect our country from attack, but unjust in taking legal rights away to do so. The LEFT is right in trying to ensure healthcare for every American, but WRONG in taking financial rights away to do so. That is the nature of all things: no one can be all right or all wrong, and our government will always reflect the lack of collaboration between its' citizens.

We are human beings! Making mistakes, and correcting them, is how we progress as people, and as a nation. Surely you realize that in your own life, and in how you raise your children ….

If WE don't stop, what rights are left for our children? What other capabilities can we lose? Right now, reproductive and union rights are on the field of battle again, as is social security and Medicare…

What does victory look like? Is it only the complete capitulation of the other side? Is that the kind of American you see when you tuck your babies in at night? HOW FAR DO YOU WANT TO GO TO PROVE A POINT?

Are we ever going to come together Americans?


Cyn Stoltz from Andover, MA is calling for solutions and an end to the rhetoric:

Our officials have turned our political processes into a joke and I am fed up. We need solutions, not rhetoric. We need people to come together for the good of this nation, not for the good of corporations (who, by the way are not people) and we need these politicians to remember why they were elected. It is time to take back our country from the fat cats and the special interest groups. We need to work together to build our country back up to what it can and should be. I have so much more to say, but I think this is enough for the moment. We have to start someplace and this is the place. I can only hope and pray we have not put it off too long.


Peter Leung from Corvallis, OR believes everyone needs to mobilize, collaborate and align:

There is no short cut in the citizen intervention process. We must devote our focus, our resources to mobilize, collaborate and align with like-minded organizations, social groups, so that we can involve and engage with organizations with clear articulations and to mobilize all concerned citizens to join us in a national dialogue with the members of Congress. In this regard, Coffee Party has been organizing a Citizen Intervention, Enough is Enough Rally, to be held on October 29, 2011, in Washington D.C. With sufficient mobilization, this can be an effective way to confront Washington with the core problem: money in politics.


This is just a sample of what will be heard on the Capitol steps on October 29th. Come to Washington and take a stand with them for this ‘Citizens Intervention’ to help our nation remember where our greatness came from — ‘We the People’.

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